Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Justin! We mis you!

This blog is in HONOR & REMEMBRANCE of our son Justin James Miller

A Tribute To Justin

This weeks blog will be short, but special and powerful. It will permanently be engraved in my heart similar to the life of my son Justin! Justin James Miller was born on August 4, 2009! For whatever reason, he was very eager to be here with us and decided to join us 16 weeks early. Justin was a fighter from his first breath, just like his daddy! He sighed a cry and was able to breath on his own without assistance from the medical staff! This was astonishing for an infant of his age and size. He was already exceeding expectations the minute he joined us. All i can say about that is "WOW THAT'S MY BOY!" Shortly after birth, he displayed the profound characteristic of love and affection that he must have inherited from his Mom! I rushed in to quickly see him before he would be taken to NICU. I immediately said, "hey Justin daddy is here" and he move his head and reached out his hand in the direction of my voice as to say "I know your voice daddy!" With tears in my eyes and excitement and love in my heart, I let the doctors take him away to do there job! I would be by his side again soon enough. Justin made his parents so proud. We witnessed our son do everything possible to cling to life. He was obviously born prematurely, but that did not stop him from giving his all to stay here with us! Justin's body was small and tiny but everything was intact. The medical staff was absolutely astonished with his ability to endure the rigorous challenges that an infant of his age had to deal with! Unfortunately, he was still underdeveloped and this would make his battle for life an unfair one. God saw fit to take my son home just 3 days 13hours and 58 minutes after he was born. I have never experienced pain like this. My son Justin... my world... our future was snatched away from me. I may never fully come to terms with God's decision to take my son so briefly, but I will try my best to trust him. (Job 13:15 Though he slay me, yet will i hope in him)

Dear Justin, I want you to know that you were loved by your Mommy and Daddy since the day you were conceived. We loved you with everything we had! As parents we could not have been happier or prouder to have you for a son! You will forever be with us!

I want to take this time to say THANK YOU to my beautiful, loving, resilient, and unbelievably strong wife. Monica words cannot express the LOVE, RESPECT, and GRATIFICATION that I have for you! What i witnessed you do for our son, for lack of better words, was PHENOMENAL and EXTRAORDINARY! Thank You and I LOVE YOU ALWAYS!

Thank you Justin James Miller for being the little boy that EXCEEDED EXPECTATIONS! You are an inspiration to Daddy!