Friday, July 10, 2009

A Blessed Life

Well here I am. It is Friday July 10, 2009 at 11:45 pm. As you can tell by the time, I am getting every second out of this week, lol! With less than 15 minutes to go in the week, I am still hard at it! Luckily for me, this is the cool part of the week. The part where I get to share with the people who mean so much to me! There was a lot going on this week from charity work to contract talk so let's get to it!
First off, I am extremely happy to say that the lord has blessed me to secure a new contract with a good team in a strong league! The quest for my next team began on June 1st and after 5 weeks of negotiations, research, and prayer I have decided to return to France! I will be playing in the French Pro A league for Stb Le Havre! I am happy with this decision and I am looking forward to the new challenge. I had been contemplating a few situations that my agent (Craig Mckenzie Higher Vision Sports) had presented before me. Countries such as Russia, Lithuania, Italy, and Turkey were in my sights, but at the end of the day France prevailed. I am already familiar with the country since I have played there before. I was also attracted to the financial security that this league and contract provides for me and my family. The economy is in a crazy place right now. To secure a deal like this is a real blessing! So Le Havre here I come!!
Speaking of blessings, I want to take time this week to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the life that he has given me. I had a chance to get out to the RDU airport this week to do some part time work with my homeboys! (Shout out to Craig, Rashid, Dennis, Mike, Tyrone, Edna, and everybody else at superior) I was helping some needy people get to there departure gates and board the aircrafts when i realized just how blessed I was. Some of the people that I was assisting were blind, handicapped, cripled, and more. It was then that I realized how great the grace of God is! I mean I have all my limbs, mental capacity, and senses. These things alone made me one of the luckiest people in the world, not counting the many material items that I have been blessed to obtain! So just for the record... I want to say that I am FOREVER GRATEFUL TO GOD for my life!
And on that same note, my family is doing well. Monica is very happy right now! I took her to the dealership today to get her new truck! I promised her a while back that I would get her a BMW X5.

Those who know me know that I try my best to keep my promises, lol. She has been great and really deserved a treat. It is extremely gratifying to have been placed in a position to be able to give her a little something every now and again! I think this should keep me out of the doghouse for a little while, haaaa!!! We have officially agreed on a first name for our soon to be born little boy. We are going to call him Justin. I have been trying to feel him kick almost everyday this week, but no luck yet! (soon I hope soon i hope) As for the dog, Prince is doing great! He really enjoys being home! He is as spoiled as he can be. However, I must say that he is the best dog that you can have! He is so loyal and loving. He knows how to do everything too. I am proud to say that I have trained him very well and his manners are always up to par!(thats right Monica :)

Also, my fam came to kick it with me this past weekend. We had a blast. My homeboy Nyk and I hit the golfcourse while Shameeka and Monica did the girl thing at the crib! I was hitting the ball pretty good until the bottom fell out! It rained so hard!! I mean my entire body was absolutely drenched! I tried to stick it out like the pros would have done, but then i realized that I am no where near as good as they are in perfect weather! There was no way that I was going to be able to hit that golfball straight with a slippery club, gushing winds, and rain pounding against my face! Finally we came to our senses and headed for the clubhouse where we sat for an hour waiting for the rain to hault. I ended up losing by a few strokes so Nyk here is your props! You are a little better than me right now... just a little.
I would be remised if i did not mention the AWESOME FIREWORKS SHOW that goes down in Rolesville NC! The town did it real big this year as they usually do! BigUps to the city of Rolesville!

The summer league is going strong now. Teams are competing at a high level! I am happy to say that my team is undefeated! We are at the top of the standings and as long as I have something to do with it we're going to stay there! There are some real players in this summer league and it is great to be able to play!
Well, i have spilled over into the weekend while typing this blog. I am going to bring it to a close, but please stay tuned as my summer vacation winds to an end and I get ready for my departure back to Europe! There are some exciting things going on for the rest of my time here, and I can't wait to open the door and let you guys peak into the life a baller during the season!
Take Care, have a great weekend, and remember to always EXCEED EXPECTATIONS!

1 comment:

  1. Hey great blog ! I hope you'll continue during the season in Le Havre ! Anyway, I'll keep visiting !
